Respect is a municipal violence prevention project, which has proven itself in the city of Ludwigsburg on 21 schools of all types from September 2001 to July 2002 in practice.   In 2004/2005, RESPECT was worn together with the Accident Insurance Baden-Württemberg in other cities and also successfully implemented and sustained. 2009/2010 RESPECT was part of the prevention campaign in the district of Ludwigsburg. 20 schools received (in cooperation with KIWANIS and the Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg) RESPEKT-Pakete Flyers: That was respect in Ludwigsburg Impressions launch event Bruchsal Impressions prevention campaign 2009/2010 at the district of Ludwigsburg Participating institutions in Ludwigsburg: AK Prävention des Fachbeirats Silberdistel Büro für Frauenfragen der Stadt Ludwigsburg Büro für Ausländerfragen der Stadt Ludwigsburg Bund freierschaffender Bildhauer Baden-Württemberg Deutscher Kinderschutzbund e. V. Eduxx Engagierte Bürgerinnen und Bürger Frauen für Frauen e. V. Gesamtelternbeirat der Ludwigsburger Schulen Höppner & Höppner Jugendförderung der Stadt Ludwigsburg Jugendgemeinschaftswerk der Caritas Kinderförderung der Stadt Ludwigsburg Kinder- und Jugendhilfe der Karlshöhe Polizeidirektion Ludwigsburg Kriminalprävention Polizeirevier Ludwigsburg Sicheres Ludwigsburg Förderverein zur Kriminalprävention e. V. Stadtjugendring Ludwigsburg e. V. Unfallkasse Baden-Württemberg Vertreter und Vertreterinnen der Ludwigsburger Schulen
© initiative respect - School without violence 2015
RESPECT makes history ! RESPECT is in the permanent exhibition in the new " House of History Baden-Württemberg" , Department added the presence of history.
RESPECT-Calendar From 2014/15 for all 16 states RESPECT calendars are planned . Each calendar has 12 leaves . Each month represents a respect theme. On the back FIND teachers each a lesson for the prevention work at the school . Currently we are looking for sponsors that enable the realization of this calendar with .


The RESPECT-package: The practical handbook includes the accumulated  experience of the RESPECT campaigns.