RESPECT: Campaign nonviolent schools follows a resource and solution- oriented approach, focused on the strengthening of girls, boys, parents and teachers The RESPECT PACKAGE We offer interested municipalities and schools a RESPECT- package Contents: An extensive practical handbook ring-bounded which contains the accumulated experience of all in the action involved schools, municipalities and institutions. The materials have been tested and can be directly use as a template In addition there is also various media in the package: 6 motifs (postcards and posters) to different topics of violence for teaching. Likewise on CD - ROM, the action Logo, postcards, posters and stickers, to give a clear recognition, also in the local environment and in publicity to the action
© initiative respect - School without violence 2015
"It's about breaking cycles of violence or rather avoid them and to strengthen the individual student. The exciting thing about this project is the cooperation of students, parents and teachers." Manfred Hagelstein, Managing Unfallkasse Baden-Württemberg (pluspunkt 2/2002)


The RESPECT-package: The practical handbook includes the accumulated  experience of the RESPECT campaigns.